Dental Bone Grafting Myths You Need to Stop Believing - SMILES ON 35th
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Dental Bone Grafting Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Did you know that losing a tooth causes your body to lose bone in the part that surrounded the missing tooth? Your body simply doesn’t see the point of preserving the surrounding bone if the tooth root is gone. Once bone loss takes place, it can be challenging for any dentist in Lake City WA to restore the lost tooth with a dental implant because the implant would need to have enough bone to anchor itself in. The only way to fix this problem is via bone grafting. To help you get your facts right about the procedure, check this out:

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What are the Most Common Dental Bone Grafting Myths?

MYTH #1: It Requires a Long and Painful Recovery

This myth is probably the furthest from the truth. Although it’s true that patients would need to stay home and rest during the first day following their bone graft procedure, they’re free to resume their normal daily activities. In fact, most patients don’t even feel the need to take over-the-counter pain medication.

MYTH #2: It’s Not Worth the Investment

False! Know that no live cells are used as bone substitutes. The dental specialist uses inorganic minerals and materials to serve as a scaffold or a matrix until your body produces a new bone. Patients who’ve undergone bone grafting procedures say that having their new, functional, and beautiful teeth, as well as their new bone, make the time and investment well worth it. Others confirm that their self-esteem and overall quality of life greatly improved after their bone grafting and dental implant procedures.

MYTH #3: All Dental Implant Patients Require Bone Grafting

Not all of them do. The dental specialist determines the need for the bone grafting procedure after a thorough assessment process is done.

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Find a Dentist in Lake City WA!

If you have more questions about bone grafting, contact Smiles on 35th to schedule your consultation. We believe in providing the most conservative treatments possible, and our ultimate go is to preserve your natural teeth when feasible.