Why Should I Choose Dental Veneers? | Smiles on 35th |
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Why Should I Choose Dental Veneers?

If you want nothing more than a beautiful smile, you might want to ask your dentist in Roosevelt WA about porcelain dental veneers. You’d be amazed once you see the dramatic results that these things can do to fix crooked, misshapen, chipped, broken, or discolored teeth. Dental veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials that are thin enough to cover the teeth’s front surface in order to instantly improve your smile. If you don’t know much about them, read on.

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Reasons Why You Should Choose Dental Veneers

They Can Cover Your Teeth’s Imperfections

Dental veneers are a godsend to patients who are struggling with severely damaged or worn teeth. Teeth that look short or are cracked or chipped, will make you look a lot older than your actual age. They may also give people the impression that you don’t practice excellent oral hygiene habits. If you’re tired of being self-conscious about your teeth, consider getting some dental veneers to restore your teeth’s shape, color, and length.

They Can Boost Your Confidence

Most patients say that they should’ve had their veneers placed earlier had they known how these could greatly boost their confidence. It doesn’t matter if you have irregularly shaped teeth or a gummy smile – dental veneers can instantly give you the type of smile you want in just a single appointment. The confidence that you’ll feel once you see your new and improved smile will have a huge impact on your personal and professional life.

They’re a Great Alternative to Braces

Since dental veneers can cover issues that include uneven spacing, slightly overlapping, or mildly misaligned teeth, you won’t have to wear those traditional metal orthodontic braces.

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Visit the Dentist in Roosevelt WA!

The dentist at Smiles on 35th can tell you all that you need to know about dental veneers and other procedures. Get in touch with us today to schedule your consultation.