Does My Toothache Need an Emergency Appointment? - SMILES ON 35th

Does My Toothache Need an Emergency Appointment?

Toothaches: They are truly one of the worst kinds of pain. Women say that childbirth is less painful than a terrible toothache, and tough, macho men are brought to tears by them. Small aches or pains from time to time are a normal part of having teeth. Food may be stuck somewhere, or you may have clenched your jaw during an exciting movie without realizing it. But when does a toothache mean it’s time to visit the dentist? 

When Should I See a Dentist?

Some toothaches can wait until you are able to take an afternoon off work. But many toothaches require immediate attention in order to prevent a more serious problem from getting worse. If you have any of the following symptoms, you should make an emergency dental appointment right away: 

  • Sharp, persistent pain: If your toothache will not go away, or seems to be getting worse, it may be a sign of a more serious issue. Over-the-counter medications will often be unhelpful in dealing with this kind of dental pain. 
  • Abscessed tooth: If you notice any swelling, pus, drainage, or blood, visit a dentist immediately. This is especially true if the infection is in your upper jaw. Infection can move from your mouth to your brain and cause a life-threatening situation. 
  • Pain from pressure: If you can’t chew food without wanting to shoot through the roof, your tooth requires immediate attention. 
  • A weird taste or prolonged bad breath: If your toothache is combined with a bad taste or smell, you may have advanced tooth decay. Large cavities can become infected and lead to more serious problems.

Don’t wait for the pain to be so severe that you make an appointment out of desperation. Visit a dentist now, when you can think straight and drive safety. Nighttime or weekend visits have extra costs in addition to the cost of treatment. Plan ahead and take care of your tooth when you want to, rather than when you need to.  

Schedule an Appointment with a Seattle Dentist

If you have a toothache, you need the help of an experienced Wedgwood dentist. The staff at the dental office of SMILES ON 35TH are friendly, helpful, and committed to giving you quality dentistry. We have same-day urgent care appointments available. Our team will get you out of pain and back to focusing on the things that matter. Call us today at 206-526-9040 and schedule an appointment
