What is a Root Canal? - SMILES ON 35th

What is a Root Canal?

Many of us have had a root canal, but if we were asked what happens during the procedure, we might not be able to explain it. Although root canals are one of the most sophisticated dental procedures, in concept they are not so complicated. In this post, we will discuss what a root canal is so that you know what to expect when you visit for this treatment.

When Does a Tooth Need a Root Canal?

Root canals are done on teeth that have cracked, have a large cavity, or to address issues from previous dental work. Root canals can treat teeth that are sensitive to hot and cold, and doing a root canal can prevent serious pain or sensitivity from occurring in the future.

What Exactly is a Root Canal?

Your teeth are made of several parts. The most visible part is made of a very tough layer called enamel. But under the enamel is the part that allows you to feel differences in temperature or pressure: The root. The root of your tooth extends into your jawbone and helps keep the tooth where it belongs.

Some teeth have only one root, while other teeth have as many as three roots (rarely, four). The root is full of a tissue called pulp, which extends along the length of the root down to the nerve. During a root canal procedure, your dentist will use special instruments to remove the pulp tissue (after numbing you, of course), and then fill the root with material that will keep it strong and clean.

What Happens After a Root Canal?

Root canals are remarkably effective at saving teeth that would otherwise have to be pulled. However, the root canal alone is not enough to give you a strong tooth capable of daily use. Because so much of the enamel and dentin are removed during a root canal procedure, you will need to get a crown over the tooth to keep it strong. Some people believe avoiding the crown will save them money, but after a root canal a tooth is subject to breaking. Avoiding a crown after a root canal can end up costing you more in the long run and you may risk losing the tooth altogether.

Schedule an Appointment with a Seattle Dentist

If you have issues with a tooth that may require a root canal, consider visiting our Wedgwood dentist office. The staff at the dental office of SMILES ON 35TH are friendly, helpful, and committed to giving you quality dentistry. We have same-day urgent care appointments available. Our team will get you out of pain and back to focusing on the things that matter. Call us today at 206-526-9040 and schedule an appointment
